10 Video Games That Punish You For Taking Shortcuts

8. Entering Restricted Areas Early - Grand Theft Auto IV

the stanley parable

One of the common features of most Grand Theft Auto games are the road blocks preventing the player from accessing new areas on the map. GTA IV is the last game to use these types of restrictions, and, coincidentally, it's also the harshest title when it comes to punishing players for crossing them.

Instead of a small slap on the wrist or even giving you a four-star wanted level like San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV whips out the big gun on its impatient players. As soon as you find yourself on the other end of the blockade, the game gives you a full six-star wanted level and siccs federal agents and military vehicles on you.

You can forget about exploring the new islands or playing around on them, as the horde of special forces will not stop pursuing you for as long as you are in the restricted area. Even if you have a change of heart and try to go back, you'll still have to lose the police chase after crossing the bridge to safety.

Well, you only have yourself to blame, or rather, your lack of ability to read basic road signs. They are literally right next to the barriers!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.