10 Video Games That Punished You For Buying Them

1. Surgeon Simulator

The Day Before
Bossa Studios

Surgeon Simulator might sound like a neat idea on paper, but in reality it's designed solely to skyrocket the blood pressure of anyone who dares play it.

Surgeon Simulator is far from a rigorous, scientifically sound simulation of medical practise. In the vein of, say, Octodad or Goat Simulator, it's instead a joke game in which the intentionally terrible controls make it an absolute nightmare to get anything done.

It began life as a game jam project produced for a laugh in just 48 hours, but in light of the rapturous response to its debut, developers Bossa Studios fleshed it out into a full title.

Despite the obvious comedic value of the game's style, for anyone who quickly threw down their cash with the hope of playing a somewhat serious-minded, medically accurate simulation, this was nothing short of a colossal letdown. 

Plus, given that Steam refunds weren't introduced until two years after its release, miffed players couldn't even get their money back.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.