10 Video Games That Punished You For Buying Them

8. Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy

The Day Before
Bennett Foddy

Bennett Foddy made a name for himself developing maddeningly difficult games such as QWOP and GRIP, which relished in their own unintuitive control schemes. But Foddy well and truly outdid himself with 2017s Getting Over It.

Getting Over It casts players in the role of a man residing inside a large metal pot, who must use a sledgehammer to propel himself up a steep, treacherous mountain and reach the highest point.

For starters, the controls are intentionally finicky, making it incredibly easy to misjudge or mistime a movement, and to rub salt in the wound, the game has no checkpoints, meaning you need to start from the beginning every time you fail.

Oh, and in case that's not bad enough, Foddy himself waxes philosophical about disappointment and missed opportunities whenever you screw up, which really just makes the experience that much more enervating.

Sure, Getting Over It has its many fans and is a fun experience for a short while, but unless you're a sublimely patient human being, you're really just forking over cash to become intensely angry.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.