10 Video Games That Put Insane Work Into Tiny Details

3. On The Highest Difficulty, The Korean Soldiers Speak Korean - Crysis

horizon zero dawn ants

There's no denying that Crysis was an absolute technical landmark when it launched in 2007, touting groundbreaking graphical fidelity which left only the hardiest rigs capable of playing it at maxed-out settings.

But one of its most impressive features is one that was effectively gated-off to most players.

If you decided to play the game on its hardest difficulty level, Delta, you not only faced intense resistance from enemies, but the North Korean soldiers you encountered would actually speak Korean to one another.

In all other difficulties the soldiers would simply shout broken English at the player, but in Delta they communicate in Korean, making it more difficult for the player to figure out their attack strategy from what they're saying.

Given the obvious effort involved in scripting, translating, and voicing this extensive NPC chatter, it's crazy that the vast majority of players never even had the chance to experience it by avoiding the Delta difficulty altogether.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.