10 Video Games That React To You Being A Scumbag
9. Called Out For Crimes Against Wine - Perfect Dark

There are obviously many different levels of scumbaggery, and needlessly destroying someone's prized possessions? Yeah, that'll do it.
And so, in Perfect Dark's fourth level, "Carrington Villa," once you enter the wine cellar you're able to start opening fire on all of the wine bottles stored there.
Now to be clear, this is the villa of your boss, Daniel Carrington, who while nauseatingly wealthy hasn't really done anything to warrant such needless property damage.
And the game won't simply ignore your reckless vandalism - the moment you've destroyed every bottle on the cellar's shelf, Carrington himself will contact you via comms and tell you to act your age. He took it pretty well, really.
Better yet, in the 2010 Perfect Dark remaster for Xbox 360, doing the very same thing will pop an achievement called "Act Your Age, Joanna," for rinsing Carrington's entire wine collection.
There's mild scumbaggery and then there's needlessly wiping out someone's entire stockpile of vino, which some might view as outright obscene. At least Harrington's rich enough to replace it all.