10 Video Games That REALLY Should've Been Cancelled

6. Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness


Core Design seemed to have nothing but good intentions when putting together the disastrous Tomb Raider instalment: The Angel of Darkness. 

Being the first entry on the PS2, CD clearly wanted to utilise the system's hardware to push the franchise beyond what the PSOne was capable of. The company also performed market research to figure out the best way to approach this sequel.

Unfortunately, it was obvious this soft reboot was going to be a trainwreck long before its release. Firstly, none of the original creators of Tomb Raider worked on Angel of Darkness. Due to the team's overambitious ideas, poor management, and lack of leadership, the project had to be started from scratch, leading to numerous delays.

Even though planned sections were removed to ensure AoD was released on time, it was all for nought. This dreck was torn apart for its shoddy combat, constant frame-rate dips, awful camera, and controls that felt more dated than the original.

Angel of Darkness tarnished the series' name so badly, Tomb Raider wasn't considered a big-time brand again until it was rebooted a decade later. For this reason, it would've been better if Core Design never bothered with it in the first place.

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