10 Video Games That Reward You For Killing NPCs

6. Infamous/Infamous 2 - Leeching Life

sifu game
Sucker Punch

Infamous, Sucker Punch's superhero sandbox series, is a classic example of binary moral choice systems. Players can be Cole MacGrath, the benevolent savior who... heals with lightning, somehow.

Or, they can live up to the title and wreak havoc, whilst begrudgingly saving the day.

For you see, whilst Cole can heal with lightning (again, never explained how) he can also take away. Not in some "divine economy" kind of way, more the literal sense.

If MacGrath is running low on life juice, he can either suck it up and rest out of danger... or something worse. Any luckless NPC that happens to be strolling by, or cowering in fear, is a free lunch.

What's more satisfying is in the sequel, Infamous 2. When fully Infamous, the power has an "upgrade" to it. This allows not only the replenishment of health and core power, but makes Cole temporarily invulnerable too

Naturally, the more evil the player becomes, the more pedestrians will run in fear. Which is fine, just means Cole has to work a bit harder to catch his snack, is all.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.