10 Video Games That Roasted Themselves

8. Fawkes Does The Right Thing - Fallout 3 (Broken Steel DLC)

Spider-Man Remastered

Fallout 3's original ending was quite rightly lambasted by players considering how little sense it made.

The final mission required players to either lay down their own life or that of teammate Sarah Lyons, exposing themselves or Sarah to a fatal amount of radiation in order to save the day.

Given that your radiation-immune companion Fawkes could've completed the task without harming himself or anyone else, it was a wildly contrived attempt to force a more dramatic ending, and even if you talk to Fawkes, he hilariously comments that he doesn't want to deprive you of your "destiny."

But Bethesda responded to the backlash by releasing a revised ending in the game's Broken Steel DLC, where players were free to save both themselves and Sarah by instead selecting Fawkes to do the job.

And in a classic moment of self-flagellation, the game even acknowledges the stupidity of that prior forced dilemma by having Fawkes basically agree that he's a far better candidate to take the radiation hit, even vaguely mocking the notion that he'd ever suggest it's the Lone Wanderer's destiny to sacrifice themselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.