10 Video Games That Secretly Punish You For Playing Well

9. MediEvil 2

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SCE Cambridge Studio

SCE Cambridge Studio, the developers of MediEvil 2, clearly relished trolling players who quite understandably expected to unlock the game's best ending by collecting each of the 20 chalices which can be found strewn throughout the world.

Instead, players who went out of their way to track down all the chalices were "rewarded" with the decidedly bleaker of the game's two endings - an infuriating cliffhanger in which Sir Dan and his love Kiya travel back in time to the end of the first game.

Here, they're attacked by villain Palethorn in a monstrous form, just as the game cuts to black and that's all she wrote. Literally, as a third MediEvil game never came to fruition, leaving Dan and Kiya's fates forever up in the air.

Compare this to the normal ending you'll get for putting no effort at all into collecting the chalices, where Dan joins Kiya in the afterlife for some well-deserved rest. 

The lesson here? Never assume that the ending you need to work harder to get is the better or "true" one.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.