10 Video Games That Secretly Punish You For Playing Well

5. Metal Gear Solid

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If you're nimble-fingered enough to survive the infamous button-mashing torture session in the middle of Metal Gear Solid, you might expect some commendation for your efforts, but it ultimately only ends up depriving you of the best post-game reward.

You see, surviving the torture will unlock a bandana for your second playthrough - an item which grants the player unlimited ammo. As neat and nifty as that might sound, it pales massively in comparison to what you get if you fail the torture sequence.

Succumb to torture and you'll unlock stealth camouflage for your next run through the game, allowing you to effortlessly bypass all non-boss enemies and waltz through the majority of the game undetected.

It's an extremely fun and useful item, and yet one oddly given to players who perform less-well on a button-mashing mini-game of all things. By comparison, infinite ammo can't help but seem a bit naff.

And so, for those who survived the torture and still wanted to get the stealth camo, they had to play through the game a second time (or revert to an earlier save if they had it), willingly fail the torture sesh, and only then they'd be good to go for their third go-around.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.