10 Video Games That Secretly REWARD You For Cheating

8. Dark Souls - Git... This Sword

Dark souls

Dark Souls is a famously difficult game. All manner of punishing moments, rewarding challenges and gruelling hours put into learning everything.

...But what if you just don't feel like?

Well, early on in the game you come across a drake (small dragon) blocking your path, perched above a narrow bridge, periodically spraying it with flames.

What you're meant to do, is find a passage under the bridge and bypass the drake completely.

While down there though, you'll see its tail dangling ever so enticingly over the edge. So stock up on arrows, plant your feet, and start firing. Eventually the tail will break and you'll be rewarded with a SUPER powerful Drake Sword... which then trivializes the following several hours of the game.

On one hand, this makes it easy to not learn anything, then hit a major spike in difficulty once the enemies become strong enough to not care about your paltry little tail sword.

On the other, smart players can use this weapon as an opportunity to learn the game's systems in a less punishing way. Can't nail the timing of that parry? It's OK - one-shot it with this bad boy, down some Estus, and try again on the next guy.

It's a great get-out-of-jail-free card, allowing you to practice without constantly dying.

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Dark Souls
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.