10 Video Games That Sneakily Let You Steal From Other Players

4. Conan Exiles

Video Games That Let You Steal

The world of Conan: Exiles is a ruthless place, as one should expect out of a wasteland filled with butt-naked barbarians. Most interactions between players either end with one party getting murdered or having all of their things stolen.

Thieves and robbers run rampant on pretty much every server in the game, even among the members of the same clan. If you think the scoundrel life is for you, you can easily join their honorless ranks by learning how to find the perfect target to steal from.

The most common prey in Conan are the new players who haven't yet learned how to protect themselves from thieves. Their bases are easy to break into, their chests are open for pilfering, and their helpless pockets are perfect for robbing in broad daylight.

Losing all your stuff to more experienced players can be painful, but on the other hand, once you go through it, you'll have all the knowledge you need to take things from other newbies as well.

Or to help them protect themselves from thieves, but let's be honest, perpetuating the cycle of extortion is way more fun.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.