10 Video Games That Stupidly Break Their Most Iconic Features
7. Dragons Continue To Attack After Alduin’s Death - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim has a lot going for it, but what's its biggest selling point? That's right; it's dragons! The overabundance of terrifying flying beasts is what sets the fifth Elder Scrolls game apart from its predecessors. But there's one big oversight that kind of cheapens the thrilling monsters.
The narrative of Skyrim sees you battling against Alduin, an ancient dragon aiming to end the world. Dubbed the World Eater, this antagonist brings dragons to the land of Tamriel and promises to set the world ablaze with them. It's heavily implied that once you defeat him, the dragon threat will be finished. So, naturally, you push through the game, assuming this will be the case. Let's take those darn dragons down!
However, after you've managed to defeat Alduin in Sovngarde as part of the final mission, "Dragonslayer" (if you ever even managed to get that far), you'll find that your promised dragon-free land is, well, still swarming with them.
You can still roam the land finishing off side quests and more after the final mission. But, while there are certainly fewer dragons, they still exist, contradicting a significant part of the narrative.