10 Video Games That Take A Genius To Beat

10. Kerbal Space Program

kerbal space program

If you've ever wanted to know why the old "it's not rocket science" line became a cliché saying for high levels of intelligence, look to Kerbal Space Program.

In Kerbal, you are tasked with creating a spaceship that will make it to the furthest reaches of the universe. While enough trial and error can net you a rocket that doesn't immediately explode upon takeoff, if you want to really explore the tremendous depths of this game you are going to have to possess the kind of knowledge typically not seen outside the labs of NASA.

No detail that goes into the process of sending a crew into space is omitted and even the simplest of actions often require hours of experimentation. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to play Kerbal, but you had better be prepared to think like one if you're going to see it as anything more than the world's most entertaining galactic crash simulator.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.