10 Video Games That Totally Floored You

1. To The Moon

to the moon ending
Ken Gao

Okay, into the emotionally-scarring stuff.

To The Moon is coder Ken Gao's gorgeous little title about two scientists who specialise in letting people believe they've accomplished their life's wildest dreams, just before death. It's essentially Inception, only in this story, you're delving into the mind of elderly man Johnny, who wishes only to go the moon.

Figuring out why takes you on a tear-jerking journey through Johnny's marriage, as you see him and wife River struggle with the latter's development of autism. Because of this, both scientists realise that it was Johnny's devotion to River that stopped him reaching for the stars, ergo resulting in the "deletion" of River from his psyche.

This is obviously sad in itself, but cut to the new digitised scenario of Johnny getting ready to leave for space, and who should walk through the door?


Turned out the love of Johnny and River went across any reality we could imagine, and the final image of the two of them holding hands as the shuttle departs is just about the most purely emotional thing you can ever witness.


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We love teamwork! Who doesn't? This article is a collaborative effort between Scott Tailford and Josh Brown.
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