10 Video Games That Trick You Into Playing The Villain

8. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Knights Of The Old Republic

Though amnesia plots are accompanied by a deep whiff of suspicion from players nowadays, back in 2003 that wasn't quite the case.

And so, when this masterpiece of a Star Wars RPG opened with the player awakening onboard a Republic ship with a hazy memory, nobody thought too much of it.

The game quickly establishes the primary antagonist as Sith Lord Darth Malak, the apprentice of the true big bad, Darth Revan. But later in the game, the mind-melting plot twist is revealed, that you are none other than Darth Revan yourself.

As it turns out, an injured Revan was kidnapped by the Jedi Council and mind-wiped, in the hope of eliminating a major galactic tyrant and possibly using him as a force for good instead.

Regardless of whether you turn to the Light or Dark Side at the end of the game - the player is, quite brilliantly, given the choice - knowing that you're responsible for so much death, destruction, and suffering across the galaxy is a damn heavy load to bear.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.