10 Video Games That Trick You Into Playing The Villain

3. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

Knights Of The Old Republic
Square Enix

Though Lara Croft is generally regarded as one of the most iconic video game heroines in the history of the medium, the recent Shadow of the Tomb Raider finally decided to take the series in a more daring direction with its depiction of the globe-trotting explorer.

For the first time in the series, Tomb Raider took a long, hard look at the impact of Lara's treasure-hunting and adventuring, especially the morally dubious nature of pilfering artefacts from indigenous civilisations.

The game literally opens with Lara kickstarting an apocalyptic event and drowning an entire town after "appropriating" an ancient dagger, something even the game's "real" antagonist, Pedro Dominguez, calls her out for.

In fact, several characters Lara encounters throughout the game question her stature as a colonial relic, and though Shadow of the Tomb Raider never quite has a satisfying answer for players, it's at least interesting that the game even bothered to engage with the destructive realities of Lara's actions.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.