10 Video Games That Tried To Change The Industry Forever (And Failed)

9. The Quiet Man

The quiet man
Square Enix

It's easy to rip The Quiet Man to shreds. In hindsight, it was always going to be a Tommy Wiseau-level trainwreck, with questionable decisions ruining what's (on paper anyway) a rather inventive and noble pursuit.

The whole idea of The Quiet Man is that it tells the tale of a deaf protagonist, and in order to put players into his headspace, the vast majority of dialogue is muffled without subtitles, leaving the general plot to be pieced together through visuals.

It's a fascinating premise, and something video games as a medium are uniquely equipped to explore, but the problem is Square Enix's story was already pretty insane and out-there, and combined with confusing gameplay segments and head-scratchingly amateur live-action sequences, the whole thing ended up being a laughing stock.

Like Quantum Break before it, The Quiet Man proved that video games don't benefit from live-action scenes, and that the world isn't ready for whatever this mad plot had to offer.

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Crackdown 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3