10 Video Games That Tried Way Too Hard To Be Cool

8. Resident Evil 6

resident evil 6

Resident Evil 6 is what happens when a publisher and developer thinks the franchise they're working on is bulletproof. When they hit Conor McGregor levels of arrogance, promising the world without wondering whether they have the resources to actually deliver it.

The sequel had hundreds of developers working around the clock to deliver it, and while lip service was paid to returning in part to the series' survival-horror roots, it's clear that the main objective was to create an action spectacle more bombastic than gamers had seen before.

This was reflected in the actual combat mechanics themselves. This time around, the likes of Leon and Chris could pull off 'trick shots' at the tap of a trigger, taking all skill out of shooting so players could ogle the characters flipping around like they were in a John Woo movie. On top of this, melee combat was also doubled down on, and fans were encouraged to chain together wrestling moves on zombies and kung fu them to death.

It was utter insanity to watch in motion, and might have worked in a series that didn't once pride itself on being so scary.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3