10 Video Games That Want You To Hate Them

8. Super Meat Boy (2010)

Super Meat Boy
Team Meat

You can pretty much pick your poison with Edmund McMillian’s games. Whether it’s Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, or The End is Nigh, this is not a man subscribing to the ‘modern games are getting easier’ trend.

While any of his games would suit this list, as he certainly wants to get you tearing your hair out with any of them, we’d be remiss not to go with Super Meat Boy, his first major hit, co-developed by Tommy Refenes. One of the things that makes Super Meat Boy so unapologetically brutal is that it has no interest in easing you in. Every razor and lethal object-laden level demands platforming perfection, often pixel-perfect platforming perfection.

Team Meat are obviously super across the fact that they expect you to die constantly, too, as there’s very little lag between your almost inevitable death and zipping back to the start of the level to try it all over again.

You’ll absolutely hate this game in sections, and you're meant to, but there’s an argument to be made that the satisfaction you feel when you finally get past a particularly tricky section is blissful enough to make you want to go through it all over again in your valiant quest to save your main squeeze, Bandage Girl, from Dr. Fetus.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.