10 Video Games That WANT You To Rage Quit

7. Red Dead Redemption

Battletoads game

Red Dead Redemption is an usual addition to the roster of games that want you to quit in that it doesn't want you to quit the main story. No, they want you to get as into the role of a cowboy as you possibly can - even the more immoral aspects that this role can have.

This is why, should you lose hardcore at the in-game Poker you can play, you're given the ability to decide to stop everyone's fun in its tracks, by getting out your gun and just straight up murdering everyone at the table.

It's the mark of a sore loser, but it's also something you'll likely end up doing, even if you only do it to reload your previous save and begin again.

It's hilarious that there's a game where you are allowed to rage quit another game within it, really - like some sort of angry gamer version of Inception gone wrong. But, in all fairness, the game doesn't exactly teach you to be real good at Poker - and it does teach you to be real good at shooting. It's an inevitable outcome, in the end.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.