10 Video Games That Wanted The Player To Feel Terrible

6. Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

Last Of Us Part 2
Starbreeze Studios

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is one of the most unique adventure games of the last decade, in which the player controls two brothers - each with a single thumbstick - as they work together to reach the Tree of Life and save their dying father.

Though only a few hours in length, Brothers is a deeply affecting experience, and one which uses its terrific central gameplay gimmick to enhance the player's overall emotional investment.

But things slam into a brick wall at the end of the game, as the older brother is mortally wounded by a giant spider and dies.

And because that's not traumatic enough, the younger brother - and, therefore, the player - has to single-handedly bury his sibling before completing the rest of the journey solo.

Though their father is eventually saved, it's surely at an even more heartbreaking cost. As beautiful and inventive as Brothers is, it's also an absolute choker.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.