10 Video Games That Went Extreme To Protect Spoilers

5. Threatening To Withhold The Ending From Reviewers - Alan Wake

Apex Legends

Given that psychological thriller-actioner Alan Wake was largely marketed on the strength of its enigmatic supernatural story, it was understandable that developers Remedy Entertainment wanted to keep as tight a lid on the narrative specifics as possible prior to release.

With overzealous game reviewers occasionally giving away major plot reveals without any warning in their reviews, Remedy wanted to ensure the story's surprises were preserved as much as possible, even to the extent of threatening to withhold the game's ending from critics.

In a late 2009 interview, roughly six months before Alan Wake was released, Remedy's managing director Matias Myllyrinne stated that they were considering removing the ending from review copies of the game to ensure maximum secrecy:

"I think we're going to be insanely careful about how much of the story we reveal... We'll clearly discuss with some of our friends at Microsoft whether we even give the ending of the game for anybody's preview. I'd like to hold it back, don't want anybody to spoil it for the audience. That's just my personal feeling."

Ultimately this didn't happen, though making critics ultra-aware of the game's plot-sensitive nature was seemingly a smart move, as not a single major outlet over-shared specifics when reviewing the game, and so the story was kept locked-up until players had it in their hands.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.