10 Video Games That Went Extreme To Protect Spoilers

2. Creating A Fake Character To Mislead Dataminers - Apex Legends

Apex Legends
Respawn Entertainment

In recent years, datamining has proven a consistently reliable way for determined players to uncover massive video game spoilers, by digging into the game data and pulling out information on characters, levels, cutscenes, and so on.

In the case of "live service" games, datamining often allows players to discover upcoming content hidden in the game code, but Respawn Entertainment got smart to this tactic with Apex Legends, and decided to mess with leakers by planting a fake character in the code.

In early 2020, dataminers found information suggesting that the next new Legend would be a cyborg MMA fighter called Forge, but the extensive list of character abilities and concept art was in fact a Machiavellian fabrication on the part of Respawn.

This over-the-odds attempt to preserve spoilers culminated in the release of an apparent character introduction video for Forge, which actually ended with him being stabbed to death by the real new Legend, Revenant.

And like that, Apex managed to keep one step ahead of the insatiable leakers. Design director Jason McCord said of the ingenious ruse:

"Honestly, it started as a fun way to misdirect data miners who, at the time, felt like they had solved our next legend and had ruined our surprise... We actually purposefully leaked fake concept art and details of Forge's kit in patches, so there would be a breadcrumb trail by the time we announced him. It's pretty insane, really. I can't think of any other game that has gone through such hijinks."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.