10 Video Games That Were A Victim Of Their Own Success

8. Destiny

Destiny was the most hyped game of 2014, and for good reason. It was Bungie€™s first title after leaving Halo behind, and was marketed as the merging of the MMO and first-person shooter genres into a new and original sci-fi fantasy universe. A lot was on the line for both Activision and Bungie, and gamers hoped for the first truly epic MMO for consoles. However, the actual release wasn€™t nearly as positive as the hype. Even though it sold well, it was met with a wide variety of criticisms, the greatest of which were disappointments at the overall shallowness of the game. Despite promises of vast open worlds and exploration, Destiny turned out to be just another shooter with weak MMO elements thrown in for the sake of half-baked longevity. It also didn€™t help that the core game was lacking in content, most of which was stored away for expansions and DLC. This business model proved to be highly controversial and turned many gamers off, while others got bored fast. While Destiny was most certainly a huge financial success, the game and Bungie both received a significant amount of backlash when it failed to live up to expectations. It has become the brunt of many jokes and is held up as a prime example of everything that is wrong with modern gaming. Sure, a lot of people still play it, but it's a game that will be forgotten in the years to come; a fate secured by its own making.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.