10 Video Games That Were Dead On Arrival

5. Godfall

Anthem Game
Gearbox Software

Hands up if you remember Godfall. Anyone?

Quite possibly one of the most forgettable PlayStation launch titles of all time, Godfall was an always-online fantasy action-RPG with not a single thing in its visuals or gameplay to distinguish it from every other similarly themed video game.

We joke these days about generic-looking games being "what an AI would make," but in Godfall's case everything in its aesthetics and mechanics were so snoozily pedestrian that it actually felt true.

Reviews weren't quite disastrous but they were hardly glowing either, citing an abundance of bugs, grind-heavy gameplay, and general lack of long-term intrigue. 

And the always-online requirement despite the game categorically not being a live service title didn't help it either.

Godfall evaporated from the collective gamer consciousness amid a sea of more appealing PS5 launch titles, proving so thunderously generic as to be almost entirely forgotten.

Despite developer Counterplay Games being among the many outfits hit with layoffs this year, Godfall's servers are surprisingly still up, even with the Steam player count rarely rising above a few-dozen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.