10 Video Games That Were Outdated Before They Launched

9. Assassin's Creed Rogue

Assassins Creed Rogue

At the worst of Ubisoft's "factory line" approach to Assassin's Creed was one year where we got two new instalments instead of one.

That year was 2014 - the same year as Assassin's Creed Unity, i.e. the game that broke the franchise.

While Unity failed at convincing anyone that the "next generation started here", it did have the knock-on effect of making everybody realise just how much Ubisoft were re-releasing the same content over and over.

Rogue was a surprisingly good game, story and character-wise, but Ubi had already released Black Flag and Freedom Cry as a standalone title.

To go back to the well on "Assassin's Creed-meets-ship combat" yet again only made Rogue feel long in the tooth, especially compared to the potential of its next-gen counterpart.

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