10 Video Games That Were Ruined By Their Own Fanbases

2. Portal

Like Doctor Who and Game of Thrones, Portal has been somewhat ruined by its own fanbase, constantly quoting the most memorable lines and acting like everyone finds their obsession so incredible interesting. The game€™s fantastic, and the sequel was even better in some ways, but the fanbase have almost turned the entire thing into a meme.

Worse still, the Portal fanbase is directly responsible for Cave Johnson (voiced by the always excellent J.K. Simmons) being sidelined in the second game. He was originally intended to be the principle antagonist, but when fans found out that GlaDos wasn€™t to be included, they revolted, and Valve rewrote the story to be a direct continuation of the previous game. That€™s right, the fanbase was so terrified of experiencing anything different that they actually campaigned to essentially remake the first game.

The cake is a lie, you say? What a triumph. I€™m making a note here: huge success. It€™s honestly hard for me to overstate my satisfaction that the cake is, in fact, a lie. Now please, stop quoting Portal, stop wearing that Companion Cube hoodie and find something worthwhile to invest all this extra energy into.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.