10 Video Games That Were Somehow Worse Than We Expected

9. Far Cry: Vengeance

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At first, it was promising to hear Ubisoft were remaking the underrated Far Cry: Instincts for the Wii back in 2006. This version, renamed Far Cry Vengeance, heavily focused on Wiimote and Nunchuk controls, promising a whole new way to revisit this classic instalment.

But when the trailer dropped, fans were aghast by the dire graphics.

Even though visuals aren't everything, Vengeance's lack of textures and compressed FMV was sure to cause eye-strain. Though controls handled well, players didn't care as they were too busy trying to stop their eyeballs from bleeding.

Then there was the lag. The frame-rate was so painfully slow, completing a single mission was not worth the trouble.

FC Vengeance might also have the worst enemy AI in the history of enemy AI. NPCs stand around without a care in the world, while gunfire and explosions are going off beside them. For this reason, players don't have to worry about stealth or shooting anyone, since they can walk around enemies without incident.

Not only is Far Cry Vengeance the nadir of the series, it's among the worst Wii games in creation.


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