10 Video Games That Were Somehow Worse Than We Expected

2. Bubsy 3D

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After the success of Super Mario and Sonic, it seemed like every developer in the early '90s was slapping together their own platformer.

One of the most infamous during this era was Bubsy. Despite being advertised as the next big thing, Bubsy was barely average (and that's being nice). When sequels bombed, it seemed like it was time for our furry friend to be put to sleep.

Instead, the original creator, Michael Berlyn, boldly decided to continue with the franchise. Not only that, he intended the followup to be in 3D. Due to Bubsy's track record though, hopes were anything but high.

Not only was Bubsy 3D worse than anyone imagined, but it's still considered among the worst video games in history. Due to barren landscapes, janky animations, and imprecise controls, it feels more like a work-in-progress beta than a finished game.

The only way Bubsy 3D could be considered passable is if it was the first three-dimensional platformer ever made. But since the revolutionary Super Mario 64 was released five months prior and still holds up decades later, it's impossible to defend such a pitiful release.


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