10 Video Games That Will Change How You See The World

8. Journey

Disco Elysium boxart

Journey is an anomaly of a game, and indeed is an anomaly on this list. Unlike most of the other entries Journey is a game that acts as more of a spiritual exodus, rather than a heart crushing reality check.

Such a cathartic release however is paramount to how Journey plays out; the endless walking over deserts and hills is never interfered with by words, or story, or anything really as the player simply travels. Journey is content to be exactly what it says on the tin: a journey.

Occasionally the player will meet up with others sharing in the same experience and the two will travel together, again not saying anything, yet still experiencing the journey together.

It is perhaps one of the most relaxing and poignant uses of multiplayer to date, bringing with it the simplicity of co-operation without communication, the ability to just exist beside people while you both go about your quest is one that strangely brings everybody together.

When the player finally reaches the end it will feel less like finishing a video game, and more like some sort of spiritual retreat that changes your life without ever really trying.

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