10 Video Games That Would Make Awesome TV Shows

2. BioShock

bioshock_big_daddy_and_little_sister-600x300 While the usual approach people have in mind when it comes to adapting BioShock is one of a movie, I think as a TV series this game would kick ass. Since it has a very large storyline with different characters, I think that exploring it in a movie would feel a little bit rushed, so a TV series would take its own time to develop the characters and show a little bit more of the city and all that's going on in there. Sure, watching Rapture on the big screen would be an astonishing experience, but doing it right would be hard. And while the movie might look incredible, if it doesn't take the time to develop the characters and make them interesting, what's the point? With the proper treatment BioShock can be whatever it wants, either a TV show or a movie. Either way, it would be awesome to see this series sometime soon.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.