10 Video Games They Were Right To Cancel

7. Fable Legends

Scalebound Game

Fable Legends was announced in 2013 - an asymmetrical, free-to-play multiplayer game set in the Fable RPG franchise, where four Heroes team up to do battle against a fifth player who, as the Villain, commands an opposing army.

Despite the game getting to the beta stage, it was ultimately cancelled in March 2016 after a reported $75 million had been sunk into it, at which point Microsoft also closed developer Lionhead Studios.

This was absolutely a case of Microsoft having the rip the plaster off and ditch a project that wasn't coming together. It's just a damn shame that it led to the death of Lionhead.

First and foremost, the player reception to Fable Legends' beta was wildly mixed, with many suggesting that it simply lacked the longevity to turn a profit as a free-to-play game. 

And moreover, there were many who simply felt that it wasn't what they wanted out of the Fable franchise.

Microsoft evidently got the memo, as the upcoming Fable reboot is set to be a more traditional action-RPG title.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.