10 Video Games To Play While Self-Isolating

3. The Legend Of Zelda - Using The "Randomizer"

GTA 5 trevor michael franklin

Breath of the Wild is Nintendo's first foray into an open world wherein you do as you please/as you are capable of doing without any real restriction. The game billed itself on being the first one Nintendo released that could legitimately be completed in 20 minutes or so, if you were good enough!

But the world has become a nostalgic place in recent years, as we pine desperately for things we cast aside many moons ago. Opal Fruits are back in shops, the pale complexion is once again more desirable than Creosote orange, and Zelda titles of years gone by are still as popular as ever, if not more so, thanks to "randomisers".

The most common 'randos' are A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, with all iterations tasking the player with the same mission: Beat the game with all of the chest/reward contents mixed up in a weird and wonderful way.

Streamers such as MajinPhil, GoodOldDaysGaming, ZFG and Linkus have numerous randomiser seeds on their channels but they barely scratch the surface of what's possible. Each and every seed can be customised to include or exclude locations, quests, sidequests, dungeons, NPC interaction - you name it, it's possible.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.