10 Video Games We All Played WAY Too Young
1. Harvester
I’m going to go out on a limb and say no child was gleefully stoked that they got away with playing Harvester too young. GTA, Max Payne, Postal 2, even Resident Evil. Sure. Not Harvester.
Like many of the games on this list 1996’s Harvester slid under the radar with some parents for being, quote, “just an adventure game”. As in, initially no combat so how bad could it possibly be. If somehow your parents did look past the threatening font and foreboding box art you would have been treated to some of the nastiest things ever implemented in a video game.
And I don’t just mean the horrors of full motion video.
You’re a dude with amnesia, because of course you are, and though things start out innocently enough it quickly trundles into creepy Stepford Wives territory where everything feels a bit off. A bit off then becomes ‘WTF is happening’ off when you begin to encounter maimed cats, hanging body bits, and a horrific conspiracy that I won’t spoil just in case you want to play it. You’ll commit and aid in arson, murder, suicide, and an almost unfathomable amount of sex and violence. The last third of the game trades out adventure gaming for a run-of-the-mill murder simulator peppered with occasional sexual encounters so if you had to explain this one to anyone walking by I feel for you.
Especially the bit where a mother gets eaten by her zombie children in FMV. A scene so terrible I really doubt we can show you here but that’s what Google is for.