10 Video Games Where It Sucks To Be Human
9. Goat Simulator
Made as a joke during a one month "game jam" (the term given to when developers see what they can come up with in tiny amounts of time), Goat Simulator was one of the biggest successes of 2014 and 2015.
Yes its frame rate can drop to single digits and yes it feels every bit like the self-aware physics experiment it started out as, but that's not the point.
With an extending tongue that can stick to things and whip them in many directions, a ramming charge and a jump, quickly you'll get the hang of Goat Sim's "trick system". Something about controlling an apocalypse-bringing goat of death in this way really clicked with all who saw it.
Goat Simulator has since gone on to be sequel'd and expansion pack'd to death, but the goal of the original never changed: Be as big of an a-hole goat as possible, to as many people you can see.