10 Video Games Where It Sucks To Be Human

3. The Sims

Sims 2 Pool Death
Electronic Arts

How ironic is it - or it's one hell of a comment on human nature - that the first major game to let you control the lives of various other people... saw millions of us see what we could get away with instead?

Not just experimenting with the boundaries of the game, but how can we figure out a way to kill the people on screen. The Sims 2 was where this trend really took off, as the franchise made its way to the PS2.

Putting plants in the way so Sims were forced to stay in certain rooms, the "best" one was building a swimming pool, getting a load of Sims to hop in, then removing the ladder so they can't get out.

Truly, you want a window into our messed up lizard brains? Play The Sims and see where your whims take you.

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