10 Video Games Where It's Impossible To Have A Happy Ending

1. That Dragon, Cancer

that dragon cancer
Numinous Games

There is no making light of this game or it's real world source material, and that is exactly why That Dragon, Cancer is on this list.

Yes, many might shun this and think, "Why would you make a game about cancer?", but it's the fact it's telling a story that afflicts so many that makes it so much more powerful.

Of course it doesn't have a happy ending. It's not meant to, either.

Previously mentioned titles like Edith Finch and Gone Home touch upon loss and broken homes, but what makes this stand shoulders above those two is the true story it's based on.

Ryan and Amy Green wanted to tell the tale of their son, Joel, who was terminally diagnosed with cancer at a mere twelve months old. Imagine knowing your son, on their first birthday, isn't going to see many more after that. It'd crush you.

Again like Edith Finch, some of Joel's experiences are played out in colourful ways, but the message is still there. It's a gut punch, but a well crafted look into how a family copes with such a tragedy.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.