10 Video Games Where It's Impossible To Have A Happy Ending

7. What Remains Of Edith Finch

that dragon cancer
Giant Sparrow

If you're yet to play Edith Finch, you really should. It's a short, well written "walking simulator" that tugs on the heart strings.

What starts as a seemingly straightforward trip down memory lane to the old Finch house soon becomes a sad tale of a family that almost seems perpetually cursed. As you explore the vast and labyrinthine Finch household, with its many nooks and crannies, you learn about the circumstances behind the death of a good 90% of the family.

Whilst they do play out through interactive and varied "minigames", it's heart wrenching to be fulfilling the death requirements for each member you're immortalising in your diary.

To spoil the ending wouldn't do it any justice, ruining the impact that it carries, but it's a bittersweet experience to walk away from. Much like Gone Home, it sheds light on what can tear families apart, yet also show us the bonds that keep them together.

Be warned though, the "bath scene" is a tearjerker.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.