10 Video Games Where The Villain Had Better Abilities
1. Bad Girl - No More Heroes
Numerous bosses in No More Heroes have deeply infuriating one-hit kill attacks, and the most grating - yet laudably powerful - of the lot surely comes courtesy of Bad Girl.
Though her adorable exterior might suggest otherwise, Bad Girl is a sure force to be reckoned with - a powerful assassin who can use her baseball bat to knock seven shades of you-know-what out of Travis if he doesn't keep his distance.
But her most infamous attack involves emotionally manipulating the player, when she falls to the floor and starts crying.
If you move in to investigate, there's a good chance she'll suddenly sweep the leg and deliver an instant-kill attack, beating you to death with her trusty bat and even kicking your dying body for good measure.
Making things trickier is that Bad Girl's crying is sometimes genuine, allowing you to attack her. The only way to tell is to look at her hands - if one hand is touching her bat, you need to steer well clear for the time being because she's baiting you.
All in all, combining her harmless-looking exterior with her manipulative tendencies and hellacious insta-kill attack, Bad Girl comes off considerably more fierce - if also more unstable - than Travis himself.