10 Video Games Where You Can Destroy EVERYTHING
6. Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast 2
Any game based on Dragonball Z needs to have some level of collateral damage. This is the law. To do otherwise would be to miss the entire point of the endeavor.
So, it was inevitable that one would show up on this list. Out of all of them, though, Raging Blast 2 makes destroying the entire field during a fight feel the most satisfying.
This is mainly due to it not being a guaranteed thing that you will destroy anything just by getting off a big attack. The destructible parts of the environment are very specifically placed, and so you have to either shoot at or launch your opponent through them to get that good catharsis.
On top of that, you can interact with the environment in more strategic ways like punching your opponent into a wall and pinning them there to get some free hits in.
Top it all off with gorgeous laser effects for the special moves and gloriously massive explosions for the big attacks, and you get a DBZ game that makes you feel like you EARNED the feeling of being an all powerful god.