10 Video Games Where You Work With The Villain

7. Nadine Ross - Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

halo 3 master chief arbiter

If you were gonna continue the Uncharted series - and considering how much bank this series consistently makes, of course they were gonna keep it going past 4 - shifting the POV character to fan-favourite Chloe is an excellent place to start. But Naughty Dog went even further and had her team up with Nadine Ross, one of the main villains from Uncharted 4.

Events in 4 causing her to re-examine her life, Nadine has teamed up with Chloe in order to find the legendary Tusk Of Ganesh.

At first, Nadine is clearly only there because she REALLY needs the money due to her losing her meal ticket in 4, and Chloe could really use someone with pythons for arms so it all works out.

This is easily one of the healthier entries on this list due to how Chloe and Nadine's relationship develops over the course of the game, going from an alliance of convenience and payment to a genuine friendship.

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Halo 3
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?