10 Video Games Where You're The Bad Guy

9. God Of War (2005)

God Of War Kratos

While it's fair to say that the recent "soft reboot" of the God of War franchise made a major attempt to rehabilitate protagonist Kratos, as depicted in the original run of games he's a real piece of work alright.

Though the ruling maxim of the God of War games has always been that protagonist Kratos faces off against Gods who are bigger a**holes than himself, that sort of moral relativism doesn't really make Kratos much less of a bad guy.

Even if you let him off the hook for being manipulated into killing his own wife and daughter in the first game, Kratos still routinely kills innocents without a care in the world - especially Poseidon's Princess in God of War III, whose body he uses to open up a door, resulting in her eventually being crushed to death.

Kratos' sadism ramps up significantly in the second and third games, and even if you view him only as a rage monster that's scarcely recognisable as human, he's done more terrible things and killed more people in his various lives than almost anyone else on this list.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.