10 Video Games Whose Best Ending Was In DLC

5. The Answer - Persona 3

Witcher 3 blood and wine ending

Every piece of spinoff or supplementary material that heavily features the cast of Persona 3 has one thing in common: every single one of them is, in their own way, still coping with the death of Persona 3's protagonist - Makoto Yuki. Even in material where the former members of S.E.E.S are older and doing their best to move on, his death remains a very sore subject.

For the starkest demonstration of this, Atlus made an entire expansion to the original game known as Persona 3: The Answer.

The Answer takes place a mere two months after the end of Persona 3. The story revolves around the remaining members of S.E.E.S getting dragged into more supernatural shenanigans, with a strange force underneath their dorm keeping the world locked on March 31st.

The robot Aigis must keep her found family from tearing itself apart, as the thing under the dorms forces each of them to confront their past, and dangles a dangerously tempting offer in front of them.

The Answer is the apex of Persona 3's dedication to portraying its cast of teenagers as deeply broken people, leading to a twist that is still debated by the fandom to this day. While later material shows them doing their best to heal, The Answer bookends Persona 3's story by saying the equally important message that sometimes grief just breaks you, and that's okay.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?