10 Video Games With Amazing Bosses (Except The Last One)
1. Yu Yevon - Final Fantasy X
As soon as Final Fantasy X begins, the player is made aware of Sin - a seemingly mindless beast who's terrorised the world for a millennium. But during your adventure, our hero, Tidus, discovers Sin is controlled by the spirit of his father, Jecht.
Now, bait-and-switches like this are nothing new in Final Fantasy, but this is one of the few times where it's executed perfectly. Although Sin is originally depicted as a generic monster, learning his identity makes Tidus' mission more personal, and the storyline more compelling. So, when Tidus faces Jecht after he takes on his final form, this face-off is as emotional as it is epic.
But when Jecht is defeated, Tidus' party is forced to duke it out with Yu Yevon - the spirit of the summoner who created Sin. Because this character has no relationship with Tidus or his friends, this confrontation lacks any impact.
What's worse is that you can't lose!
All you have to do is go through the motions for Yu Yevon to bite the bust. FFVII also concluded with an un-lose-able fight, but that worked since the hero and villain had a deeply personal relationship.
Also, who's idea was it to make the final boss look like a tiny ant?