10 Video Games With GENIUS Tutorials

1. Nier Automata

Nier automata
Platinum Game

It’s very rare when a game like Nier Automata comes along and blows all expectations out of the water, but there might be a fair few of you that don’t see this as a tutorial, because it can turn into one of the hardest areas of the game.

The amalgamation of several different playstyles all gel together so well that it’s only after you’ve toppled the first boss, you realise how odd it was to play a side-scrolling shooter, a top-down hack and slasher, a platforming segment and stylised action brawler all at once.

This is Automata's true strength - the confidence in which it presents contrasting gameplay elements, and how it packages them together in a way that makes the player feel accustomed to these moments cropping up again, AND makes them feel incredibly powerful for beating each segment.

Now some people would argue that a tutorial that kicks you right back to the start is a pain, but it seems to be in a similar camp to Dark Souls. Difficulty and challenge are going to be inherent to the whole experience, and you HAVE to prove yourself, even in a tutorial.

We love teamwork! Who doesn't? This article is a collaborative effort between Scott Tailford and Jules Gill.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.


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