10 Video Games With Little Hope For Humanity

8. Red Dead Redemption

Hatred game
Rockstar Games

In addition to being one of the most entertaining video games ever made, Red Dead Redemption is also one of the most low-key nihilistic in its portrait of the human race.

Rockstar's masterful open-world Western strips away the romantic sheen of the Old West mythologised in classic John Wayne movies and instead focuses on the ugly brutality of a lawless life.

The game's primary theme is the violent nature of people, embodied by both John Marston's actions throughout the game and his inevitably bloody demise at the end.

But this goes a level deeper with its epilogue, where John's son Jack comes of age and seeks revenge against his father's killer, ensuring the cycle of violence continues as a young man follows his father's own path of bloodshed.

The commentary across both Red Dead games seems to be that humanity has and always will be its own worst enemy, murdering for riches and sheer survival, and in the case of the player themselves, finding considerable entertainment value in it all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.