10 Video Games With MASSIVE Potential (That Still Failed)

4. Evolve

Evolve Game

Evolve is a bit like Beetlejuice, we’ve said the phrase “insidious microtransactions” so now we’ve summoned it and we’d better get into just how darn good this game could and should have been.

I played this one at launch and cracking into the asymmetrical competitive multiplayer arenas where some of you are hunters and one of you is a towering, threatening monster was incredibly fun to play with friends. It’s just a shame that Turtle Rock Studios and 2K Games decided they too would bleed players dry by doing what looked a lot like withholding content so they could sell additional monsters and hunters as pricy DLC.

If there are games that do DLC right then Evolve is the absolute primary example of doing it wrong.

While players were extraordinarily put off by the business practices of the studios creating the game, there was a really brilliant game hiding under all of the controversy. This is evidenced by its brief stint as an enjoyable free-to-play game called Evolve Stage 2, though its servers were taken down in late 2018.

This game did receive great review scores across the board, but having lost so much good will from players, few wanted to stay on with it and it died the natural death of any multiplayer game without the base to support it.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.