10 Video Games With Questions You Won't Want To Answer

3. Could You Kill A Child As "The Right Thing To Do"? - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Duck

A staple of zombie fiction is analysing humanity by comparing it to the slovenly hordes baying for brains, though by creating this juxtaposition - the notion of "I know I'm not them" - where does it end?

2013's The Walking Dead parsed this out through childlike innocence in a world gone south. At many opportunities you're given the option to shield 10 year-old Kenny "Duck" Jr. from the realities of the zombie apocalypse, even playing with him or talking about anything other than death whenever possible.

Then... he gets bitten, and everyone knows what has to happen next.

Short of making some comment on what to do with a catatonically ill patient if they're trapped in their own body, its deemed best to put Duck out of his misery before he fully turns - though the parents have an understandably hard time doing so.

At this point you can step in, if you want to, but is it what's right for the child, the parents, or those around you?

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.