10 Video Games With The Biggest Downgrade From Reveal To Launch

5. Mass Effect: Andromeda

Prior to release, we saw precious little footage of Mass Effect: Andromeda in action. From the initial reveal in an E3 dev diary, to the first CGI trailer in 2015, to the gameplay reveal a year later; we should have realised there was an issue. We assumed EA was simply taking a new approach of staying tight-lipped and holding its cards close. The reality, however, was that Mass Effect: Andromeda was a hot, steaming mess and EA was hiding it.

The reveal trailer showed off multiple planets with insane geographies, ecosystems, and bustling societies. What we got however were rather lifeless, mundane planets, that were not so much exciting as they were flat-out boring. It also showed some beautiful character models that ended up being far less expressive in the actual game, except for when their rubber faces were breaking.

There's so much wrong with Mass Effect: Andromeda that one could pick it apart all day. We all know the trials and tribulations the game went through, both during development and post-release, and the result was a permanent stain on the BioWare name.

That's beating the proverbial dead horse, especially when it's much more hip to be beating on Anthem's weary corpse right now. Oh BioWare, how the mighty has fallen.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.